

So, one day, on a whim, I took some tired old earrings and made my first peace sign. While arranging the pieces on an old board, I  became so hyper-focused, I forgot all about covid. I forgot about the freezing weather. Essentially, I forgot about myself. It was pure bliss and I was hooked.

After several more peace signs, I moved on to butterflies, mandalas, trees, rainbows and faces— everything from biker mamas to ancient warriors.

Then, people started asking me to make special pieces like a galaxy, a clown, a frog, a Jimi Hendrix-inspired peace sign. At first, I wondered if I could really deliver on these custom pieces.

So I tried and learned that as much as I loved my new creative pastime, I loved even more connecting with people and making them something special — something I would have not thought of on my own. It opened me up to infinite possibilities. “My little hobby grew into a  tiny cottage industry by just saying “yes”.

“Writing is so cerebral. It takes place all in my head. But making funky stuff from garage-sale jewelry, pieces of wood, and old frames comes from my heart and my hands.  My brain goes quiet. It’s like a spiritual awakening.”